Sweden, Historical Fiction

The Historians by Cecilia Ekbäck

The Historians is a World War II thriller, based in Sweden. During the war in 1943, Sweden was the only neutral Nordic country. However, it provided passage for German soldiers traveling back and forth to Norway. Sweden also sold iron to Germany, aiding their production of steel.

Laura Dahlgren works for Jacob Wallenberg, chief of the team negotiating iron access with Germany. One day she receives a phone call informing her of her best friend Britta’s disappearance. The search leads her to the Historical Society building at her university in Uppsala, a place that meant a lot to her, Britta, and a close group of their friends. When she finds Britta’s body, tortured and bound, she is determined to find the killer. While trying to solve the mystery surrounding Britta’s death with the help of her closest friends, Laura finds herself in the midst of a dark conspiracy. When every path appears clogged with a web of lies and no one can be trusted, Laura attempts to dig deep into Scandinavian history. A political event in the past that seemingly gave birth to a grisly conspiracy, which ultimately came back to kill her best friend.

How did it make me feel?

I loved it! Historical Fiction is my love and thriller my crush! What more could I have asked for? The Historians has it all. A quick-paced thriller with a deep diving narration of wartime. A reflection of how World War II was not just a physical war of weapons and massacre but also an equally devastating war of poisoned minds and fragile egos.

I highly recommend it. Click here to get your own copy from Amazon. If you use my link to buy, I may get a small commission at NO additional cost to you! It will help me keep my blog running! 🙂 Thank you for your support!