Featured Posts, Psychological Fiction, India

The God Of Small Things by Arundhati Roy

Set in the state of Kerala, India, The God of Small Things tells a story of twins; Estha and Rahel. They live with their mother Ammu, who is bringing up the children alone, away from their alcoholic father. As fate would have it, she falls in love with a factory worker named Velutha, whom the Estha and Rahel are very fond of. When their English cousin Sophie Mol and aunt Margaret come to visit them one Christmas, their lives change dramatically. A tragedy hits upon the forbidden love of Ammuu and Velutha. The children attempt to grasp the threads of reality with what they think are the right choices, but the adult world is far from their understanding.

All of the heart-wrenching events that occur, as seen through the eyes of the innocent children, leave the readers agonized. The pain comes at you from so many directions, it’s almost to the point of unbearable. Roy is brilliant in portraying the force of love, betrayal, fear, and hope. She takes you into that time period in India, where the society was deeply segregated based on the caste system and how it robbed people of their lives. 

How did it make me feel?

Once in a while, on your reading journey, you come across a book that breaks you in places you didn’t even know existed within you. The God of Small Things is an absolutely heart-wrenching yet beautiful story. It’s gonna stay with you for a long time. If you are looking for an emotional tale that will leave you sobbing, you cannot go wrong with The God of Small Things.

As Roy says, “In the great stories, you know who lives, who dies, who finds love, who doesn’t. And yet you want to know again”. 

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