Vatican City, Thriller / Horror, Fiction

Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

Angels and Demons is a heart-racing thriller by Dan Brown, primarily set in Vatican City.

When CERN’s (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) top physicist Leonardo Vetra is murdered with an ancient ambigram branded on his chest, CERN director Maximillian Kohler summons Robert Langdon. Langdon is a forty-five-year-old professor of religious iconology at Harvard University.  The ambigram indicates a rise of a centuries-old organization known as the Illuminati, but Langdon finds it hard to believe the authenticity of the threat. But when he discovers that a canister containing anti-matter has been stolen from CERN, he finds himself in the midst of an unimaginable conspiracy.

The anti-matter has destructive powers beyond comprehension. Now, it is in the wrong hands without its charging port. Vetra’s daughter Vittora ascertains that the canister loses its charge in 24-hours. When they receive an unexpected phone call from Rome, Langdon together with Vittoria set out to find the canister. What they discover, takes them through an ancient maze of clues including century-old churches, crypts, and cathedrals. Pretty soon it’s clear that this is not just a matter of a stolen canister. This is a war so big that it seems like no effort can possibly save Vatican City. And the time is ticking away.

How did it make me feel?

Oh, I am so in love with Dan Brown’s novels! This was my second read of Angels and Demons. I absolutely enjoyed it as much as I did the first time.

Brown has such an attention-grabbing style of writing, and it’s tough to put the book down once you start reading it. I LOVED reading about the history, the ambigrams, the symbols, the paintings, the artifacts and so many more ancient relics that are woven into this story so beautifully. I googled a LOT while reading this one! It was so amazing to see the things referenced in this book, standing in the real world, and see them in the light of Brown’s interpretation for this story. I could not get enough!

Have you read it yet? Let me know how you liked it!

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