Fiction, Fantasy Fiction

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Hobbit, or there and back again is a fantasy novel by J.R.R Tolkein. It tells a story of an epic adventure of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit, along with thirteen dwarves and Gandalf, the wizard.

One fine day when Bilbo is visited by Gandalf, Bilbo’s comfortable and non-adventurous life that he has come to love, changes forever. Gandalf proposes a journey filled with adventures to Bilbo but he refuses. However, unbeknownst to Bilbo, Gandalf has already chosen him for this epic journey. Accordingly, Gandalf invites Thorin Oakenshield and his group of twelve dwarves to Bilbo’s hobbit-hole.

The dwarves bring with them the story of an enormous treasure hidden in the Lonely Mountain. The treasure and the land that belonged to the dwarves a long time ago, both now guarded by Smaug, the dragon. Gandalf presents the map showing the plan of the Mountain, including a secret entrance. Gandalf convinces both Bilbo and the dwarves that the hobbit will play a crucial role in finding this treasure. Although, neither dwarves nor Bilbo himself has any confidence in the wizard’s prediction.

Thus begins a great adventure of this group, traveling through the wildest of the wildlands towards the Mountain. They are met with many great dangers on this journey. The dangers they may conquer, but the ultimate leg of the journey brings a seemingly impossible road to the treasure.

How did it make me feel?

I was so lucky to have the illustrated version of this book with me. It made the reading so fun and interesting. I loved each and every illustration by Alan Lee. They truly brought this book to life.

While on the surface it seemed like a children’s fantasy book, by the time I finished the book I realized the depth of it. The maturation of Bilbo’s character was such an amazing journey to witness. Bilbo’s character arc, starting with a shy, introverted one to a brave leader of this adventure, was the soul of this story.

With exceptional fictional world-building, The Hobbit embraces courage, morality, humbleness, and friendship. I keep thinking about what effect this book would have on me if I had gotten a chance to read it as a child. Absolutely loved it!

I am now ready for The Lord of The Rings trilogy!!! Can’t wait!

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