Fiction, Science Fiction

Ghosts of Cortanis (Cortanis Trilogy – Book One) by C.J. Weiland

Ghosts of Cortanis is a science fiction thriller that takes you into an online game called Tide of Cortanis. This is the first book in the Cortanis Trilogy.

Tides of Cortanis is a massively popular multiplayer role-playing game with 15 million players worldwide. Launched in 2021, it is not only a game but also a social networking hub complete with email, chat, voice call, and messaging systems. Naomi tries to escape her depression and the perils of her life by playing games with a close-knit group of friends in Cortanis. She spends a lot of time online as her character Vanda with her friends due to which some of them have become her closest friends, even though they’ve never met in real life.

Peter is one such friend of hers. He is from Brazil, she is from Virginia. They’ve never met each other but are best of friends. Naomi is shocked when she finds out that Peter has died suddenly. The circumstances of his death seem suspicious but the matters get worse when Peter mysteriously appears in the game. The creators of the game cannot figure out how this might have happened, which makes it more bizarre. The only way Naomi can get to the root of this unexplained appearance of her dead best friend’s character is by going on a quest; A quest that reveals the deepest darkest secrets of not only Peter’s life but also her own.

How did it make me feel?

Ghosts of Cortanis immediately captured my attention. LitRPG is something I’ve come to love recently, all thanks to Ready Player One. When I found out about this book, I knew I had to read it.

The concept of a game adapting to its player’s behavior is a very fascinating one. It makes the thriller part of this book very interesting, keeps you guessing. I love how the author has gone into amazing details with world-building, absolutely entrancing.

Someone who is familiar with space battles and adventure games is absolutely going to love this book. I think players will be able to relate to the characters more. I loved it, but since the book is filled with a lot of game jargon, I know if I was into gaming I would have loved it even more.

If you’re a gamer or have a gamer in your life, or are looking for a unique thriller, I would definitely recommend this book.

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