Fiction, Fantasy Fiction

Far Forest Scrolls Earth on Fire Ocean of Blood by Alpha Four

Far Forest Scrolls Earth on Fire Ocean of Blood is the fourth installment in the Far Forest Scrolls series by Alpha Four.

The ultimate quest is underway. Vernguard is on the cusp of a raging civil war.  The League of Truth is fighting an impossible battle with the undead and Friar Pallium is fighting an unwilling battle with the Confederates. This battle is tearing Vernguard apart, favoring the Dark Warriors.

All the while Bellae sets out on a crucial journey of finding the Macht Crystals. There are five sets of crystals she needs to find in order to stop Na Cearcaill. But this crystal-finding journey is a grueling one. Bellae not only has to endure unimaginable circumstances but also loses one of her devoted companions.

How did it make me feel?

The Narrative

Far Forest Scrolls Earth on Fire Ocean of Blood, as the name suggests is the bloodiest, goriest, and thunderous of all so far. There are battles raging with every flip of the page. The world-building is as exquisite with this one as in the previous books. I’m falling in love more and more with the artwork in the Far Forest Scrolls series.

Especially, Earth on Fire Ocean of Blood describes the battle in such great detail, with not only the artworks to aid it but also the tables. These elaborate tables give you a glance at the damage on both sides and are placed strategically throughout the book so that you know exactly how they are faring. This helps tremendously in visualizing, especially since there are so many things happening at once. I truly appreciate the efforts that the author has put into these books to make it a delightful experience for the readers.

The Characters

As I was hoping, by the fourth installment these characters are shining more and more, each with their own quirks and personalities. It makes for a fun ride, particularly the humor that these characters bring in this grim, war-ridden narrative. Some close-knit companions face different forms of separation, some relationships see a welcome change and some go through heartbreaks. At this point, I’m really attached to these characters and I cannot wait to see what the fifth installment is going to bring for them!

Would I recommend it?

I’ve mentioned before that I think this series is really underrated and deserves more buzz. I stand by it, even more now with the four books under my belt. Do give this series a try if you’re a fantasy fan! You can read my review for the first book in the series here.

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